The Advertising program at St. Clair College is the real deal. You will be taught by professors who are genuinely experienced in their field. They know what they’re doing and they know how to teach it. They actually care about their students and their success, unlike other schools which make you feel like you are just another student number. During my time in the program, I always felt that I had something valuable to learn everyday about the industry. It was a place where you were encouraged to ask questions and learn from your mistakes. It was the best education that I didn’t expect I would get.

In school, our work and projects involved getting certified with multiple platforms in the industry. One of these certifications was the Hubspot Marketing certification. Getting this certification allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of how the various aspects of advertising and marketing work together in a well-built, all-in-one platform. Getting this certification gave me a solid edge in the job market. The program and my certification ultimately paid off, and I got a job right after graduation in a top-tier ad agency.